Conference expertise

The acwa institutes are traditionally engaged in hosting renowned conferences.

The „Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft“ which attracts up to 1,000 participants every year, offers an excellent platform for knowledge transfer and networking between practitioners, researchers and administration.

The biennial “Aachen Water Technology Conference” is another established process-oriented expert event that includes English-language contributions. The “Kölner Kanal und Kläranlagen Kolloquium” is aimed at practitioners addressing current developments and problem solutions. In addition, the annual “Aachen Colloquium for Waste and Resource Management” examines a current waste management topic underlining the expertise in the field of resource management. Other conferences include the “International Symposium on Treatment of Wastewater and Waste on Ships (SOWOS)” organized by PIA and the FiW-Forum for decision-makers from NRW.

acwa NEWS – current issue

acwa Newsletter, Ausgabe 27