Our thematic focus

Our portfolio ranges from fundamental research, applied research, independent assessment, research transfer and approval testing in the fields of urban drainage, wastewater treatment, energy optimization and provision, water reuse, water management, and waste and resource management. In addition, all three institutes offer a wide range of services for water associations, authorities and companies, ranging from practical applications such as type approval tests for wastewater treatment plants, laboratory analyses, feasibility studies, dialogue projects and consulting to technology transfer in Germany and abroad.
The acwa institutes operate several test sites. In the µ3 research centre of ISA in addition to various cross-scale testing, water, sludge, waste, and soil (e.g. from contaminated sites) samples can be tested for numerous chemical constituents and biological parameters in the laboratory, which is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments. The PIA test site was built on the former wastewater treatment plant “Bildchen” of the city of Aachen and offers optimal conditions for testing decentralized wastewater and stormwater treatment plants. As an applied transfer institute, FiW develops, plans and operates semi-technical pilot plants and demonstrators (technology readiness levels TRL 5-7) and supports companies in the scale-up of customized solutions and optimization during operation (TRL 8 and 9). Pilot plants are usually operated directly on-site – this applies both to pilot-plants in Germany and to robust mobile container solutions in international cooperation.

Schwerpunkt Abwasser


Concept and experimental setup for the desalination of wastewater treatment plant effluents after nature-based pre-treatment in Tunisia



Protecting the aquatic environment from urban runoff pollution


Best Practise Guidance

Development of a “Best Practice Guidance” for the reception of ship sewage from ships in port reception facilities in the special area Baltic Sea



Regional Sewage-Sludge Ash Management and Phosphorus Recycling for a Metropolitan Area.



Pilot project for the production of renewable methanol fuels at the WWTP Bottrop



The “Aachen Network for
Waste Water Reuse”
